Monday, April 29, 2013

Song Of Encouragement!!

I was having a bit of a struggle the other day when I  heard this song "Always", by Kristian Stanfill for the first time. As soon as I heard the words, I felt His strength rise within my heart. Giving me courage to hang in there and believe, not to worry or fear. I struggle with that a lot... it's one of the main things the Lord and I are working on.

As soon as I heard the song, I knew it was a gift from Him. He does that for me a lot. Always bringing songs to mind (even songs I have never heard of but maybe once) or showing me new songs like this, out of the blue.   Russ (my hubby) says I should really cherish when God does that for me. And I do. I believe it's one of the special ways He is trying to show me just how much He loves me. Not just as my God but as my Father.  The songs always bring peace or joy or strength. He knows just what I need! :)

I encourage you to sing along and really listen to the words.... I pray it brings hope and strength for you too! Listen and enjoy!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My first official post... yikes!

My first official post... yikes! Blogging is pretty new for me. I do it a bit for our bead and jewelry biz and a little about our family, pets, etc. but I don't normally share stuff about my relationship with the Lord. At least not with strangers. :) You know.... the things that are really only between me and Jesus. But the last few months I have really felt led to share things that inspire, teach and encourage me (when studying, something inside me would get lit up and excited to share it) and it kept being brought to my attention. So, I thought I'd better listen to these promptings and get going on it.  I'm not 100% sure this direction is from Him and I don't know how well I'll do with this, but with the Lord in charge, all things are possible. Right? So I'm stepping out and giving it a try. I'm sure I'll warm up as I go!

My husband and I are pretty sure of the outreach dream God has put in our hearts for the future. A dream has been placed in our hearts to run/own a working ranch that helps feed families in our community along with other outreaches, etc. That will take a God size miracle to get that going and we believe He is already working on it!  But I have been wondering what His call on my life is now. What are the gifts He's given me... gifts that I can use for His glory. You know, to be a part of the Great Commission, etc. Everyone has special talents and gifts and can be a part of that commission in their own special way. 

I don't know if this is mine yet or not... but if I can in any way encourage or help anyone come closer to Jesus or shed some light on just how loved you are, if He can use me to reach just one person... then I guess He's got me where he wants me.

I am in no way where I need to be in my walk/relationship with Him. But I'm learning and growing right along with the rest of you. I know He's working in me. And as the scripture says...  "I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in me will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." - Philippians 1:6

Ok... that's it for now. I need to get to work and start designing a few more bracelets and let my pugs out for a potty break and some sunshine!

May God Bless each of you with a fresh revelation of how much He loves you and how precious you are to Him!!!
